Saturday, November 2, 2013

Kennedy's Talent Show!

Hey, y'all! Happy Saturday! I hope you get a chance to relax after your crazy week. Yesterday was my little sister's talent show, so I thought I would show y'all some pictures. Their talents shows are always really professional and full of, you guessed it, talent. I really wish I could have taped some of the other acts, but I didn't want to hunt them down to get their permission. So, all I have are the acts that Kennedy was in: her choir songs. Also, some pictures of the family preparing for the event.

Tommy, being goofy and pensive

Normie, begging for food as always

Momma, putting together her puzzle. 

Daddy and Grandma went too, but I couldn't sneak pictures of them. Just a disclaimer: The school does not own either of these songs and do not claim to. There is no profit made from these songs specifically. Now that we all know they are not stealing and committing copyright infringement, we're all good. So, Without further ado, Conner High School Women's Choir and Combined Choirs. 

Royals-- Women's Choir

With a little help from my friends--Combined Choirs

Courtnie's World...
... I'm eating GFS chicken salad. Soooo good
... We're watching Duck Dynasty
... Everyone in my parent's house is sick. I keep telling them not to get too close. I better not get sick, school is getting into crunch time. 

Xoxo, Courtnie