Wednesday, September 25, 2013

*tiny* Walmart haul

Hello, ladies and gents! Guess what day it is?? C'mon, C'mon, C'mon! HUMP DAY!

So, I have a lovely stye on my eye, so I can't really do any sort of make-up application. But! I went to my local Walmart a little while ago and I wanted to share my treasures with you guys.

Here are the two Walmart beauty brand, equate beauty, products:
 1. Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes
    The packaging states that these compare to Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes. I would definitely agree with that. These really take off all of your makeup very easily. They are fairly cheap as well (more expensive online) and I think I got them for 3 bucks or so. There are 40 in my package, but I rip them in half, so there are 80 in a package for me! They do leave a very thin layer of moisture left over, so if you have SUPER oily skin, that may be a concern for you. Overall, I think this is a wonderful product, especially for the price.
2. Breakout Control Acne Cleanser
   This facial wash is said to compare to Clean &Clear Continuous Control Acne Cleanser. I really did not like this product at all. This left a layer of product all over my face. I tried a couple different approaches to washing my face with this, but it just didn't seem to ever wash completely off, unless I used another face wash to get it off. Maybe that is what it meant by "Continuous Control", but I just don't want face wash sitting on my face all day. This product also made me break out, not terribly, but still. Isn't the point of a face wash to clear up acne, not create it? The only redeemable thing I found about this product was that it had a really nice cooling sensation, which makes the user feel like the product is really working.

The other face wash I got was the L'Oreal Go 360 Clean Anti-Breakout Facial Cleanser. I really like this product because I feel like it lives up to its name. I hardly ever break out when I am using this product on the daily bases. It also comes with a "Scrublet" which "controls breakouts and clears blackheads". I like the scrublet because I don't really want to wash my face with the hands that just touched shampoo, conditioner, and a now, dirty washcloth. The scrublet is a part of the packaging of the bottle, so you don't have to worry about it sitting on the shower ledge accumulating germs. This product is also a bit cheaper in the stores (I picked this up for $4.97).

Last, but not least, I picked up an NYC Color Wheels Mosaic Face Powder in the the color Rose Glow. I love the color that it gives off on my face, very natural. Unfortunately, this product seems to have a problem with staying together. By the time I got this one home it had already broken up and the one I had before this one did the same. Since it is a power its not a huge deal, but if you're not careful it can get EVERYWHERE. However, I love this product so much that I will look over this inconvenience.

I hope you found some of this helpful and as always, feel free to leave any suggestions, opinions, etc. in the comments below.

Xoxo, Courtnie

Courtnie's World (Daily Nuggets)
... Has anyone ever had a stye before? It is super painful! Any suggestions on how to ease the pain/heal faster?
.... Making Mexican lasagna tonight for dinner, yum!
.... Got a new memory card for my camera today so I can start filming soon!
.... Made a 98% on my American Lit. Exam! Woo!

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