Tuesday, October 8, 2013

DIY Peel-off Face Mask

Today I am trying something from my DIY Beauty Pinterest board. The pin comes from this blog and it is supposed to remove blackheads. So, let's find out if this thing really works!
*I started with my clean, make-up free face, like you are supposed to with most face masks.

All you need for this is the white of an egg and some tissue. the blog says you need to get the egg white in a bowl and "beat it slightly". 

I'm not really sure what slightly meant, but I'm guessing we don't want to end up with a meringue. I beat it for about a minute, or until there was a layer of white, big bubbles on top and a liquid bottom. I hope that was sufficient without being too much. 

You start out by putting a layer of egg on your face. I used a tissue for this since I don't really have a brush that I can use for this and I thought using my fingers would make a huge mess. It actually worked really well. 

 Then you lay a piece of tissue over the egg. I used multiple pieces of smaller chunks of tissue because I found this easier than using a whole tissue and making holes for my mouth and eyes. Finally, you cover the tissue on your face with another layer of egg.  Again, it doesn't really say how much, so I am just winging it here. P.S I took off the little pieces on the side because I didn't want to get egg in my hair. 
 Do you like my tissue beard?

Now you just let it dry. This took a little while-- maybe 30 minutes. That may be because I put too much egg on there, but I don't really know how long it takes egg whites to dry. So, I just sat here for half an hour reading EKU confessions and listening to my 60's, 70's, 80's Pandora radio station. You'll know that it's completely dry when it is dry to the touch (obviously) and when you cannot move your face. This was me when I couldn't move my face. 

Now, once it's dry, you peel it off. In the original post it says to peel upwards from your face, but then it later says "Take off the mask after its completely dry by peeling it from a downwards to upwards direction". I was a little confused by this, since it says two different ways of how to peel. I just went with the first one and peeled upward from my face. Can you tell I was excited to peel? Also, the shadow makes it look like a have a beard and a unibrow. Why?

Peeling didn't really hurt at all and I felt like it got most of my blackheads out. I don't see any on my nose anymore and there is only regular acne left on my chin. You can really see all the nasty stuff on the tissue when you rip it off. You do have to wash your face once you rip the tissue off because not all of the egg or tissue comes off. My skin feels super soft and I am really happy with the results. I would most definitely recommend this to you guys. It's super simple and virtually cost free, assuming you have eggs and tissues/toilet paper. I will probably continue to do this every few weeks or so. 

 Courtnie's World...
... I got an 85 on an Exam I thought I failed for sure. Yay!!
... Melatonin pills work wonders, y'all should try them
... I saw this quote on Pinterest today and I really liked it for its simplicity: "Every flower must grow through dirt."

Xoxo, Courtnie

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